Jerry MacAlpine

Home Work Experience Qualifications Education and Training References Portfolio


A small, representative portfolio sampling, showing both traditional and new media design, illustration and drawing skills


324revsh.jpg (80198 bytes) <Technical illustration using Adobe Illustrator an enhanced with Photoshop acad.jpg (30439 bytes) <Company logo designed with 3D Studio Max
Pastel and watercolor> boat.jpg (25391 bytes) Company logo designed with Simply 3D> dm1.jpg (22970 bytes)
house.jpg (24485 bytes) <India ink and watercolour drawing kt.jpg (37097 bytes) <Charcoal portrait
Inside pages (lo-res) of a four-page tradeshow brochure (Illustrator/Photoshop/Pagemaker)> inside.jpg (758957 bytes) Outside pages (lo-res) of same brochure> outside.jpg (706061 bytes)
map.jpg (110377 bytes) <Detail of map from above brochure.  Actually a composite of 12 different maps, airbrushed digitally and assembled in Photoshop lupins.jpg (26608 bytes) <Pastel and chalk drawing of lupin field
Company logo (Illustrator)> nrprod.jpg (35633 bytes) Handbook cover page (Illustrator/Photoshop)> Packcvr.jpg (383353 bytes)

qkcrd.jpg (92872 bytes)

<Advertisement/Poster (Illustrator/Photoshop/Stock Photo) Sealcvr.jpg (325671 bytes) <Another handbook cover page (Illustrator/Photoshop)
Business card design (Illustrator)> stard.jpg (174207 bytes) Information circular (Illustrator/Pagemaker)> std.jpg (241411 bytes)
stlogo.jpg (54186 bytes) <Product logo (Illustrator) vang.jpg (26869 bytes) <Chalk pastels (after van Gogh)
Nova Scotia Agricultural College Research and Graduate Studies website> nsac.jpg (78587 bytes) EnviroSeal Engineering Products Corporate website> eseal.jpg (173443 bytes)


Jerry MacAlpine

24 Evergreen Court

Truro, Nova Scotia CANADA

B2N 5H9

